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Weekly Links Roundup – Clean Up Your Media Library, Remote Working Toolkit, WooCommerce Catalogs, Spamdexing

Here’s our latest selection of curated WordPress and web marketing links to help your business thrive. Do you have dozens (or hundreds? Or thousands?) of images in your Media Library that you know or suspect are no longer being used? All those extra images can…

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Weekly Links Roundup – 2FA, Leaving Squarespace, PHP, WordPress Performance

This week’s top WordPress and web marketing links. It’s a scary world out there. You know how when you login to your bank’s website, they’ll typically send you a code on your phone to make sure it’s you? That’s called 2-factor authentication (2FA) and did…

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Weekly Links Roundup – Hacked Sites, Easy WP Guide, Event Calender Plugins, PHP Versions

This week’s top WordPress and web marketing links. If your WordPress site had been hacked, how would you know? Check out this infographic from iThemes showing 7 key signs that your site has been the target of a hack. Prevention is much easier than recovery…

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Weekly Links Roundup – WordPress Headaches, Remarketing, Restaurant Sites, Font Awesome

This week’s WordPress and web marketing links. The top three most-mentioned WordPress pain points are performance, security, and updates that break sites. I hear you. These are all things I deal with for myself and for clients on a daily basis. Here’s an infographic on…

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Weekly Links Roundup – CDNs, Event Calendar Plugins, Privacy Policies, Photography Blogs

This week’s WordPress and web marketing links. WP Minder’s VPS hosting plan includes a free CDN – but what exactly is a Content Delivery Network? It’s about distance for sure (having your content delivered by a server near your site visitor’s physical location can decrease…


Weekly Links Roundup – Booking Plugins, GDPR Resources, Image Optimization Plugins

This week’s WordPress and web marketing links. If you have any kind of services website where you need to manage appointments, consider using one of these 10 WordPress booking plugins. I haven’t used any of these in client sites, though I’ve had several good experiences…