Books for Bloggers

I was going through my business bookshelf last weekend and thought I would start sharing some of the best books that have helped me out  as I grow my own company… Here we go.

Good Reference Books for Bloggers

Whether you’re an experienced blogger or just considering adding a blog to your business site to help grow your audience, these three books have been great resources for me and may be for you as well. They are not the latest and greatest, but each of them has good information that still has strong relevance today. And they’re cheap – all under $15 from Amazon.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

This book is by blogging guru Darren Rowse, creator of the ProBlogger website (as well as This excellent little book is a fairly fast read at just over 200 pages. It helps new bloggers learn how to create and eventually monetize their blogs and has a lot of still-relevant advice on writing to attract visitors, driving traffic to your blog with social media, and how to choose advertising platforms.

Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time (Marketing/Sales/Advertising & Promotion)

I really enjoyed this book and got a lot of useful info out of it – this is clear by looking at all the pink highlights I left behind! This book is short (about 170 pages) and is a fast, easy read with friendly big text; I found it to be a more enjoyable read than ProBlogger and just as relevant. Topic matter is pretty similar. It focuses on beginners but has enough to make it valuable to more experienced bloggers, too.

Dispatches From Blogistan – A Travel Guild for the Modern Blogger

Even though this is the oldest of the bunch, I enjoyed it the most. While it covers the basics like blogging tools, blog design and features, and promotion, where it really shines in its discussion of blogging vs. traditional journalism,  legal issues, and issues of trust and privacy. It’s sort of an overview of the rise of blogging’s popularity and culture as well as being a general guide to how to start and grow a blog of your own. Still relevant.

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