Friday Link Wrapup – Copywriting Mistakes, CDN, Anti-spam Plugins
This week’s WordPress and web marketing links.
Ready to improve your site’s content in 2017? It’s time to fix those common copywriting mistakes we all make when trying to sell a product or service – and fortunately for those of us strapped for time, it’s not that hard to do.
If you’re on shared hosting, you’ve probably noticed that your site tends to slow down at times. Maybe way down. There’s something you can do about it, even if you don’t switch hosts. Using a CDN (content delivery network) can help speed up your site using less of your host server’s resources. It’s a win-win, and you can find CDN’s starting at ‘free.’ Check out these 6 reasons to get a CDN for your WordPress site (and learn how easy it can be to get started).
And finally – got a spam problem? Spam is everywhere, but luckily WordPress has a lot of plugins that can keep it at bay. Here’s a review of 10 anti-spam plugins – I like Anti-spam Bee because it clears old spam from the database regularly. I used to be a big fan of WordPress Zero Spam, but when WordPress 4.7 came out it started conflicting with Gravity Forms (another must-use plugin). If you’re not using Gravity Forms, Zero Spam is also worth a try.