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Weekly Links Roundup – WooCommerce, Sales Tax, SEO Checklist, Color Psychology

This week’s WordPress and web marketing links.

iThemes has published a post with pro tips for more WooCommerce conversions – and who doesn’t want that?

And speaking of online sales, here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up automatic tax calculations in WooCommerce. You don’t want to deal with over 12,000 sales tax jurisdictions in the US alone – let WooCommerce (and maybe TaxJar, depending on the complexity of your business setup) manage this for you. WooCommerce Tax is free, and TaxJar is a commercial plugin.

Here’s a great infographic that has a ton of useful SEO advice in checklist format – which I find way easier to use. While not all of this may apply to your situation, it’s a nice comprehensive resource, and has printable checklists available at the end of the short article (right above the infographic).

Design Tip: color can make a big difference in how a user perceives your company and its offerings. Read this post on how using color psychology can help increase conversions on your website.

Did you find this information useful? Please share with your friends and colleagues! And comment below with questions or observations.


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